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Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Kosmetik bukan jaminan untuk cantik

Pemakaian yang salah justru akan membuat wajah Anda jauh dari menarik. Berikut ini 8 kesalahan yang harus Anda hindari dalam merias wajah. Coba dicek, apakah Anda termasuk pelaku 'pelanggaran' ini?

1. Menggunduli alis
Banyak wanita yang rajin mencabut alis, baik sendiri maupun di salon, untuk membentuknya jadi lebih menarik. Tak ada salahnya dengan merapikan bentuk alis, asal jangan mencukurnya habis dan menggambar alis dengan pensil alis. Percayalah, alis yang licin dan palsu tanpa rambut hanya akan membuat Anda terlihat galak dan mengerikan.

2. Lipstik terlalu gelap
Kecuali Anda memang personel band beraliran goth, sebaiknya hindari lipstik warna coklat tua, ungu, merah gelap, atau hitam. Warna-warna ini akan membuat Anda terlihat tua. Tapi jika Anda memang ingin mencobanya, pilihlah lipgloss berwarna atau lipstik jenis sheer agar warnanya tak terlalu kentara.

3. Memakai foundation hanya di wajah
Pernahkah Anda melihat seorang wanita dengan wajah dan leher beda warna? Konyol bukan? Padahal hal ini bisa dihindari dengan mengoles foundation bukan hanya di wajah, tapi juga di leher. Ratakan agar warna leher dan wajah tak belang.

4. Salah warna foundation
Jika kulit Anda berwarna sawo matang, jangan memaksakan membeli foundation berwarna kuning gading. Memang betul Anda akan terlihat lebih putih, tapi Anda juga akan seperti memakai topeng. Minta bantuan pramuniaga untuk memilih warna foundation yang cocok dengan warna kulit Anda.

5. Menor
Cara termudah untuk menghindari dandanan menor alias berlebihan adalah, pilih satu bagian yang ingin Anda tonjolkan: mata atau bibir? Jika riasan mata Anda cukup berat (smoky eyes, misalnya), pilihlah warna lipstik yang lembut dan mendekati warna kulit. Namun jika Anda ingin memakai lipstik merah menyala, pastikan bagian lain di wajah dirias dengan natural.

6. Maskara belepotan
Ciri maskara yang jelek adalah: (1) menggumpal di bulu mata Anda, (2) luntur dan membuat noda di sekitar mata setelah dipakai beberapa jam. Jika Anda mengalami masalah seperti ini, waktunya buang maskara Anda dan ganti dengan yang baru.

7. Glitter
Jika usia Anda sudah lebih dari 12 tahun, sebaiknya tak usah lah memakai glitter di wajah. Pilihlah eye shadow dengan efek shimmer sebagai gantinya.

8. Kulit tak terawat
Seterampil apa pun Anda memakai make-up, tak akan bagus hasilnya jika kulit Anda tak sehat. Merokok, tidur larut malam, dan tak memakai pelembab yang mengandung SPF adalah contoh kebiasaan buruk yang membuat kulit kusam, kasar, dan membuat kosmetik sulit 'menempel'. Jadi, meski Anda sudah berinvestasi dengan produk kosmetik yang terbaik dan termahal, jangan lupa juga lakukan perawatan pada kulit. Jika perlu, rutin kunjungi dermatologis.

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Briptu Norman Camaru dan Justin Bieber

Briptu Norman & Justin Bieber
Ketenaran Briptu Norman Camaru berawal dari video youtube. Awalnya karena lucu, senang melihat videonya. Tapi siapa sangka Briptu Norman Camaru berbakat dalam  tarik suara dan memiliki kepiawaian bermain alat musik serta menari.

Awalnya Justin Bieber juga demikian, beberapa kali Ibunya menguploud videonya sedang bermain musik, menyanyi ke YouTube. Penampilan aksinya di YouTube membawa berkah tersendiri buat Justin Bieber. Melalui pemandu bakat  Justin Bieber tiba di tanah keglamouran keartisan Hollywood. Melalui jasa pemandu bakat Justin Bieber diperkenalkan dengan Usher.

Sentuhan tangan magik Usher-lah Justin Bieber di permak habis-habisan. Tanpa perlu waktu lama singel pertama Justin Bieber berjudul “Baby” meledak ke pasaran. Justin Bieber berubah dari manusia biasa menjadi selebriti. Karena Justin Bieber berkiprah di Hollywood yang menjadi kiblat entertainment  semakin memudahkannya mendunia. Mungkin jika Justin Bieber di belahan dunia lain, bukan mustahil ketenaran yang diperolehannya tidak sebesar sekarang.

Inilah jalan menuju ketenaran Justin Bieber, jutaan fans mengidolakannya. Bukannya Justin Bieber hanya menjual tampang tok, dan  mendadak jadi artis melalui YouTube. Justin Bieber benar-benar menunjukkan kualitasnya sebagai penyanyi berkelas, bersuara merdu dengan tarian yang memikat.

Yang tidak dilanjutkan oleh Briptu Norman Camaru malah berhenti dari dunia keartisan dan lebih memilih tetap jadi Brimob. Jika dipoles sana-sini,  diolah vokalnya menjadi lebih baik lagi dan dimanajemeni oleh tim yang profesional. Bukan mustahil ketenaran, eksintensinya di blantikan entertainment makin diperhitungkan. Meskipun hanya dalam lingkup domestik Indonesia saja.

Melalui Film yang dibintangi Justin Bieber “Say Never Say” sejatinya menilik perjalanan tangga kesuksesannya dari awal hingga apa yang digapainya sekarang. Fenomenal ya Justin Bieber menjadi artis fenomenal, selain sepinya penyanyi berusia belasan tahun semakin mengokohkannya di dunia musik.

Kedatangannya di Indonesia pada tanggal 23 april sangatlah dinantikan-nantikan publik Indonesianya, khususnya komunitas fansnya. Berburu tiket telah lama mereka lakukan, baik melalui antrian panjang maupun melalui online. Dahaga para fans terpuaskan oleh kedatangannya.

Briptu Norman Camaru  diarak-arak di Gorontalo. Bagaimana ya dengan Justin Bieber? Mari kita tunggu sajalah, bagaimana antusiasnya para fansnya dan publik Indonesia.

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Drink Less Could Trigger Heart Attacks?

Prompts frequently drinking water has many benefits. In addition to keeping the body and mind staying in shape, water content in the body that maintain the continuity can also reduce the risk of acute heart attack.

About 70 percent of the human body consists of water so that water plays an important role in maintaining health. Essential nutrients in foods can only be absorbed if the cells in the body has enough water to dissolve it.

Components of the body's most lots contain the water is blood, with a composition of about 85 percent water. If the water content in the body decreases, blood will thicken and make the blood circulation becomes not smooth.

Reduced water levels in the body such as perspiration, when triggered by the move. If not balanced with drinking water, then dehydration or lack of body fluids can cause the blood thickens and circulation is not smooth.

Which thickens the blood also have a higher risk for forming deposition in blood vessels. As it passes through the fine vessels to the heart, the sediment could clog and cause an acute heart attack.

This was explained by Dr. Dr. Dr.Saptawati Bardosono, MSc or used to be called dr Tati, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in a press conference themed "Beware The Performance Impact of Dehydration Lightweight, Cognitive and Mood" at Hotel Le Meredien Jakarta, Wednesday (02/09/2011 .)

However, Dr. Tati said the risk for heart attack just because of lack of drinking alone is very small. Usually that happens if someone from the beginning is already having problems at the heart or circulatory system, and dehydration or lack of fluids can worsen the condition.

The real impact is more needed attention is the reduction in cognitive abilities and mood or moods. With mild dehydration severity of 1.4 percent in men or 1.3 percent of women are able to create cognitive ability or thinking someone disturbed.

Mild to moderate dehydration can also affect emotions and moods. Symptoms include irritability, anger, anxiety and panic easily. As a result people become more easily stressed and other accompanying symptoms such as headaches.

"If you have a headache, do not rush to take medication. Try first drink 2-3 glasses of water, then wait 20 minutes. If the headache is triggered by mild dehydration, it will heal by itself. If not cured, only allowed to drink medicine, "said Dr. Tati.

Benefits of Noni

Medical research on Noni started at least 1950, when the scientific journal Science reported that Pacific Noni fruit showed antibacterial properties against M. pyrogenes, P. Aeruginosa, and even E. coli are deadly.
Studies and research on Noni continues to be done by various research institutions and university. Since 1972, Dr. Ralph Heinicke, the famous biochemist from the United States began to conduct research about xeronine alkaloids contained in the enzyme bromelain (enzyme in pineapple), and then discovered that the Noni fruit also contains xeronine and precursor (proxeronine) in large numbers. Xeronine is one of the important substances that regulate specific functions of proteins and cells of the human body.
In 1993, the journal Cancer Letters reported that some researchers from Keio University and The Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Japan who do research on 500 species of plant claimed that they found anti-cancer substances (damnacanthal) contained in Noni.
Leading research institutions in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Taiwan, Austria, Canada, and even the National Academy of Sciences, a center for study of a prestigious national science in the United States has conducted various studies on Noni. Meanwhile, researchers at the Uni ¬ University of Hawaii also has done much research on Noni, including research on anti-tumor activity and anti-cancer Morinda citrifolia published in a scientific journal (Proc, West Pharmacology Society Journal, vol, 37, 1994 .)
A survey conducted by Dr. Neil Solomon of the 8000 users of Noni juice involving 40 doctors and other medical practitioners indicates that Noni juice helps the recovery of a number of diseases including: cancer, heart disease, digestive disorders, diabetes, stroke, and a number of other diseases which are shown in the following table .

Total Patients
% Saved
Heart disease
Diabetes, Type 1 & 2
7 931
The increase sexual power
Muscle Strengthening
Overweight (ohesitas)
High blood pressure
Digestive Problems
Respiratory Problems
Difficulty sleeping
Weak concentration
Improved sense of well
Mental Stability
Kidney pain

»Data on top is excerpted of the book Liquid Island Noni (M. citrifolia), The Tropical Fruit with 101 Medical Uses. »% Helped are patients who have increased health or feel any changes in their bodies either objectively or subjectively after consuming  Noni juice.

Research conducted by Dr. Neil Solomon above focuses on TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice contain 89% Noni juice, because it is the most widely consumed at the time. Because it must have been if the study used 100% Noni Juice is working power of his Noni Juice will be much stronger, so the likely amount of "percentage who helped" by Noni will be much higher.

Through intensive research conducted by scientists at the laboratory, demonstrated the superiority of the outer ordinary noni.This plant contains various vitamins, minerals and enzymes, alkaloids, co-factors and plant sterols that occur naturally. In addition, leaves and roots intact Noni contains the amino acid which is the main protein source.
Noni fruit water content of about 52 percent. Several studies have been conducted to determine what elements are contained in Noni. Studies and research have shown the existence of interesting substances in Noni juice, though not yet all been identified. New in 1993, a researcher (Helen Sim), in his master thesis entitled The Isolation and Characterization of A Compound Fluores ¬ cent From The Fruit of Morinda citrifolia: Stud ¬ ies on 5-ht Receptor System reported the existence of substances in Noni fruit is not known by him or his friends. Most of these substances related to health and has been proven only found in the Noni fruit.
The following are other benefits of Noni fruit that have been scientifically proven.

Increase Endurance Body
Clinical investigations conducted by Dr. Schechter (Institute of Natural Medicine in California) to produce the necessary data about the ability of Noni juice, which stimulate the production of these T cells in the immune system (T cells play an important role in fighting the disease); strengthen the immune system, especially makrofaset and lymphocytes from white blood cells; show ¬ show anti-bacterial effect; have the effect of anti-sense of pain (analgesic); inhibit the growth of cells pre-cancer / tumor that is the ability to normalize the function of abnormal cells.
Mona Harrison, MD from Boston University School of Medicine and medical director at DC General Hospiial, USA reported that Noni increases the function of the thyroid gland and thymus gland, which is believed to act against infections and problems associated with the immune system.

Normalize Blood Pressure

According to Neil Solomon, MD.PhD, health problems of American researchers reported that the Noni fruit contains a type of phytonutrients, namely scopoletin which serves to widen the channel of the blood vessel constriction. This causes the heart does not have to work too hard to pump blood, so blood pressure became normal.

The result of testing on animals shows that scopoletin lowering high blood pressure and normal to be low (hypotension abnormal). However, scopoletin contained in Noni fruit can interact synergistically with nutraceuticals (functional foods for the treatment), another to regulate high blood pressure became normal, but do not lower blood pressure is normal. It never found a case where the blood pressure down to normal lead to low blood pressure (hypotension).
The experts from Stanford University, University of Hawaii, University of California (UCLA), Union Col ¬ lege of London, University of Meets in France who has studied the Noni agrees that these plants contribute to lower blood pressure in many cases.

Simple clinical trial conducted by Scott Gerson, MD (from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York) shows that many Noni users reported that their blood pressure becomes high when stopped drinking Noni juice, and return to normal when taking the Noni of juice regularly.

Fighting Cancer and Tumor

An interesting papers that were presented at the annual meeting of the American Association fin. Cancer Research 83rd in San Diego, California, in 1992, is "Anti-tumor activity of Morinda citrifolia on Lewis Lung Carcinoma in the mouse injected." In this study, rats were given an injection of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (a type of cancer). All mice that did not receive treatment with Noni die within 9-12 days due to cancer. While the mice that received treatment with Mengkudu able to survive 105 percent to 123 percent longer (40 percent of the rats live up to 50 days or more). This study is repeated several times and each time Noni found to significantly extend the age-old rats exposed to cancer compared with rats not treated with Noni. In summary, the results of this study revealed that Noni can inhibit tumor growth.
A year later the journal Cancer Letters (vol.3, 1993) reported the discovery of anti-cancer substances / damnacanthal in Noni extract that could inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

There are some cases of cancer patients who consumed Noni fruit juice and be cured, among other cases, patients Dr. Harrison (DC General Hospital), who suffered from liver cancer and stomach swelling caused by fluid overload. During the 7 days consuming Noni juice, swelling in the stomach is reduced significantly. Testing haru stomach fluids showed that cancer cells have disappeared.
According to Drs. Judah Folkman of Harvard University, Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in menghamhat blood flow to the tumor cells. The mechanism is similar to the oil squalen (from shark liver) that control brain tumor growth and prolong experimental mice by destroying the means of circulation of the blood supply to tumor cells.

Eliminate Pain
Noni fruit's ability as an analgesic substance has been known in the history of traditional medicine, so this plant is called a "painkiller tree" or "headache tree". Scientific research has proven beneficial effects of Noni to cope with pain. In 1990, researchers found a significant relationship between dose of Noni juice extract with analgesic activity of rats, mice ¬ (generally, the more widely used, the analgesic effect will be stronger).

Many theories explaining how the mechanisms work Mengkudu relieve pain. One is the theory of Dr. Ralph Heinicke (famous biochemist from the U.S.) who said that xeronine that play a role in relieving pain. This is associated with the ability to normalize xeronine protein in abnormal cells, including cells of brain tissue, where sourced pain.

Some cases of chronic pain such as headaches constantly, nerve pain in muscles and joint pain cured after taking Noni juice.

Anti-inflammatory and Anti-allergic

The compound scopoletin (hydroxy-methoxy-coumarin) is very effective as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Medical literature reports the successful treatment of arthritis, bursitis, car-pal tunnel syndrome and allergies by using scopoletin.

Bryant Bloss, MD, orthopedist from Indiana, the U.S. reported the success of Noni juice cure back pain they experienced as well as 15 people and patients. Meanwhile, the 8 patients reported knee pain (osteoarthritis) almost does not feel over taking Noni juice. Three of the patients Dr. Bloss who suffer from asthma progress with the reduction in cough. Some patients experience sore joints also began to experience the real progress after drinking Noni juice. He offers Noni juice as additional food / supplement, and not as a drug to his patients.
Results of research journals published darn Pacific Science (vo1.4, 1950) reported that Noni contains antibacterial ingredients which can be used to treat heart disease and digestive problems. There is lots of anthraquinone compounds in Noni roots turned out to fight bacteria that menyehabkan Staphylococcus infection in heart and Shigella bacteria that cause dysentery.

Noni is antibacterial against: Bacil ¬ lus subtilis, Escherichicr coli, Proteus morganii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella montevdleo, schotmuelleri Salmonella, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexnerii, Shigella paraciysente ¬ riae BH und III-Z, Staphylococcus aureus.
Dr. Robert Young, a microbiologist from Utah, USA find yeast molds and fungi with a toxin that can produce cells menyehabkan sick because of the degree of acidity (pH) increases. By taking Noni juice, the situation can be overcome because Noni helps regulate the body's pH balance, thus increasing the ability of the body absorb vitamins, minerals and protein.

Set the Mood Cycle (Mood)
One of the capabilities possessed by seopoletin is to bind serotonin. According to Drs. Harrison (DC.General Hospital, USA), scopoletin can increase the activity contained peneal gland in the brain, which is a place where serotonin is produced and then used to produce the hormone melatonin. Serotonin is an important substance in the blood granules (platelets) lining the human gastrointestinal tract and brain.

In the brain, serotonin acts as neutrotrcrnsmitter, advice and precursor signals conductor of the hormone melatonin. Sero ¬ tonin and melatonin helps regulate some of the body such as sleep, body temperature regulation, mood (mood), puberty and egg production cycle, hunger and sexual behavior. Lack of serotonin in the body can lead to migraine disease, dizziness, depression, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Setting the Body's Energy Cycle
Dr. Harrison also reported that the body's energy frequency changes are also caused by the positive activities of Noni juice. The effects are; to stabilize blood sugar, reduces menstrual period pain, reduces the desire to urinate at night for men who experience swelling of the prostate.
According to Drs. Heinicke (biochemist from the U.S.), xeronine also play a role in the process of the body's energy cycle. He explained the mechanism is as follows, xeronine will be absorbed in the space adjacent to the absorption of endorphin and act as a precursor hormone (co-hormone) to activate the receptor proteins that give good feeling / comfort. As a result, people will feel comfortable and have more energy after drinking Noni juice.
Main Benefits
Research on Noni continues to grow, both conducted by doctors and botanist and biochemist. Research focused on the chemical components contained  and its therapeutic effects against various diseases.
These studies show that Noni juice can stimulate the immune system, regulating cell function and regeneration of cells damaged tissue. The facts show that Noni can set the cells at the primary level and it may be critical to explain why Noni can be used for a variety of health conditions.
The doctors in the United States already provides many reports about the successful use of Noni juice to his patients. Dr. Richard Dicks (from New Jersey, USA) said, "we began to realize that we must return to the fundamentals of our body. What is meant by metabolism in the body is burning nutrients. Noni juice protects our body by providing nutrients needed by the body. "

Benefits-Additional benefits
Noni has a property-other properties that have not been proven medically, but empirically have been many people who experience health improvement after consuming the juice. Some medical problems can be overcome by using Noni:
  1. Digestive System: Flatulence, injury to the small intestine, stomach ulcers, vomiting and food poisoning.
  2. Respiratory system: cough, bronchitis, sore throat, tuberculosis, cholera, fever in infants, sinusitis, asthma.
  3. Cardiovascular System: high cholesterol, thickening of the heart muscle, increasing oxygen transport within the cell.
  4. Skin diseases: burns, wounds, scabies, boils, cellulite, skin worms, dandruff, ringworm, and inflammation of the skin, ulcers on the skin, and skin problems on the other.
  5. Mouth and throat: Sore throat, bleeding gums, cough, mouth sores, toothache.
  6. Menstrual disorders: premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, pain during menstruation.
  7. Ageless: Noni juice can be used as a tonic to overcome the wrinkles due to the aging process.
  8. Diseases in the body: Diabetes, chronic hepatitis, pelvic pain, headaches, impaired renal function, bladder stones, disturbances in thyroid hormone.
  9. Immune deficiency disease of Epstein-Barr virus, chronic candidiasis, diseases caused by HIV infection, lack of energy (AES = altered energy syndrome).

    Why is one type of plant can cure so many diseases?
Scientific research shows that constituents in fruit of Noni has properties to stimulate the formation of the immune response, clean up the blood, regulating cell function, regeneration of damaged cells and inhibit tumor growth. Phytochemical (natural chemical substances found in plants) has efficacy for the prevention of disease and is rich in antioxidant content. Noni has a very broad spectrum of phytochemicals, some of which are only found in the Noni. Phytochemicals, such phytochemical synergy with each other to produce amazing healing properties.
Dr. Joseph Betz, chemical researchers from the FDA (Food and Drug Association) division of the Natural Products Center For Good Safety and Applied Nutrition at the U.S. said that some experiments have shown that Noni juice can soothe muscle movement and have anti-allergy effects.
In 1992, Dr. Isabella Abbott, a professor of botany at the University of Hawaii said that Noni more and more people use to cope with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and many other diseases.

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Natural Migraine Drugs Without Effects With Ginger

Migraine Treatment  Effects

A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine this month reported that drugs commonly used in the treatment of migraine (migraine) can cause serotonin syndrome, although their cases are still rare.

The team of researchers from Georgetown University and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) examined 11 cases of serotonin syndrome associated with use of triptans, a common class of drugs used for migraine therapy.

"Previously, the FDA has informed that the triptans in combination with SSRIs potentially cause serotonin syndrome. In fact, recent findings have found that the use of triptans alone (without combination) can cause this syndrome," said chief study author, Offie Soldin, who is a professor of oncology at Georgetown University Medical Center.

Serotonin is a hormone that regulates feelings or mood. Also related to a sense of depression and appetite. National Institutes of Health (NIH), American express, serotonin syndrome occurs when the nerve Conductor (neurotransmitter) serotonin exceeded by the use of more than one medication that affects serotonin levels.

For example, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are frequently used in the treatment of depression. The class of triptans also increase the availability of serotonin in the body. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include mood changes and mental condition, excessive reflexes, muscle spasms, fever, uncontrolled movements, excessive sweating, nausea or vomiting.

Although these cases are rare, Dr. Soldin from the FDA warned patients to stop taking these migraine medications in case of worsening symptoms.

Ginger Migraine Without Medication Effects

Repellent natural remedies migraine headaches alias that is around us and easily found among other Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale ROSC).
Essential oils contain mainly seskuiterpena substance, which causes the characteristic smell of ginger. While compounds that give flavor that is spicy substances monoterpena aldehyde and alcohol. The same substances that give anti-nausea properties and anti-vomiting. In addition to efficacy, the rhizome of ginger is also efficacious as anti-inflammatory and pain reliever as well as improving blood circulation.

All properties that cause the herb ginger can be used to relieve migraine. In addition, the efficacy of anti-nausea and ginger rhizome
anti-vomiting very helpful prevention and treatment of migraine. In children ginger rhizome is very helpful for migraine treatment, because it is not toxic.
How to use a single herb is not difficult. There are several ways to make potions for migraine:

1. Take The dried rhizome powder. For adults and children over six years, use a dose of 0.5 g powder for a drink. In order to recover quickly, herbs should be taken 2-4 times daily.

2. Take the sons of my mother ginger fingers, grilled and then crushed. Brewed with a glass of water and give a little palm sugar, drink once. Drink three times a day.

***************************    Good luck   *****************************

How To Prevent Hair Loss

Hair is the crown for us. So we must pay attention to hair health, including attention to its beauty. Head hair health is very important. If you do not keep or Caring for Your Hair or Scalp Problems it can cause a variety of hair. For example Hair Loss. And here are some foods that you must leave to Prevent Hair Loss.

Fish, eggs, and soy Prevent Hair Loss
To keep hair healthy should pay attention to nutritional intake of protein needed hair. Hair should know that we have made of protein. So the intake of foods rich in protein is needed hair.
Diets high in fat will cause elevated levels of testosterone, and this is related to hair loss.
Try to choose more lean protein like fish. Fish has many benefits besides preventing hair loss. Consumption is also chicken, calf's liver, brewer's yeast, low-fat cheese, eggs, almonds, soybeans, and yogurt. In addition, it helps also increase the intake of soy milk and tofu. In addition to protein-rich, these foods also contain less fat evil.

Raisin Prevent Hair Loss
Iron plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin, the blood that carries oxygen to all organs and tissues. If your hemoglobin is at a healthy level, oxygen is properly dispersed. This means that your scalp is also getting good blood flow. This will stimulate and promote hair growth.
Try to consume something sweet like dried fruit (like raisins) and cherry juice are rich in iron. Besides that, eggs, green vegetables such as cabbage, and whole grain cereals are also rich in iron. You also need to increase the intake of vitamin C by eating fruits such as oranges, strawberries and lemon. Vitamin C will enhance absorption of iron.

Bean sprouts Prevent Hair Loss
You may seldom hear the word silica associated with diet. But if you want to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss, it is worth adding silica into the dafter. Silica helps the body absorb vitamins and minerals. If not consuming silica, vitamin you will not be much help.
Silica can be found in bean sprouts and cucumber skin, red chilli and green peppers, and potatoes. Remember also, you will get more nutrients if you eat these foods in a raw state.

Seafood Prevent Hair Loss
Men who experience hair loss usually experience a shortage of zinc element. Zinc plays an important role in many bodily functions, ranging from cell reproduction to regulate hormone balance, and all of these functions affect hair growth. Most importantly, zinc regulate glands attached to your hair follicles. If the low zinc levels, the follicle will be weak, so the hair fall off easily.
To overcome this problem, consume foods rich in zinc such as red meat, poultry, mussel, shrimp, strong, nuts, and shellfish. Excessive amounts of zinc can also trigger hair loss, so it's better to follow a diet rich in zinc compared to consume these foods and zinc supplements.
Well, now you have known any kind of food that must be avoided to Prevent Hair Loss

Cara Mencegah Kerontokan Rambut

Rambut merupakan mahkota bagi kita. Jadi kita harus memperhatikan kesehatan rambut, termasuk memperhatikan keindahannya.  Kesehatan Rambut Kepala memang sangatlah penting. Apabila Anda tidak menjaga atau Merawat Rambut atau Kulit Kepala Anda maka bisa mengakibatkan berbagai Problema Rambut. Salahsatunya adalah Kerontokan Rambut. Dan berikut adalah beberapa makanan yang mesti Anda tinggalkan untuk Mencegah Kerontokan Rambut.
Rambut Rontok
Ikan, telur, dan kedelai Mencegah Kerontokan Rambut
Untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut harus memperhatikan asupan gizi yang berupa protein yang dibutuhkan rambut. Yang harus diketahui rambut yang kita miliki terbuat dari protein. Jadi asupan makanan yang kaya protein sangat dibutuhkan rambut.
Diet tinggi lemak akan mengakibatkan peningkatan kadar testosteron, dan ini berkaitan dengan rambut rontok.
Coba pilih protein yang lebih tidak berlemak seperti ikan. Ikan mempunyai banyak manfaat selain mencegah kerontokan rambut. Konsumsi juga ayam, hati domba, ragi pembuat bir, keju rendah lemak, telur, almond, kedelai, dan yogurt. Selain itu, ada baiknya juga menambah asupan susu kedelai dan tahu. Selain kaya protein, makanan ini juga mengandung sedikit lemak jahat.

Kismis Mencegah Kerontokan Rambut
Zat besi berperan penting dalam pembentukan hemoglobin, bagian darah yang berperan mengangkut oksigen ke seluruh organ dan jaringan. Jika hemoglobin Anda berada pada kadar sehat, oksigen bisa disebarkan dengan benar. Artinya, kulit kepala Anda juga mendapatkan aliran darah yang baik. Hal ini akan menstimulus dan memicu pertumbuhan rambut.
Coba konsumsi sesuatu yang manis seperti buah kering (seperti kismis) dan jus cherry yang kaya akan besi. Selain itu, telur, sayuran hijau seperti kol, serta sereal whole grain juga kaya akan besi.Anda juga perlu menambah asupan vitamin C dengan mengonsumsi buah-buahan seperti jeruk, stroberi dan lemon. Vitamin C akan meningkatkan penyerapan besi.

Tauge Mencegah Kerontokan Rambut
Anda mungkin jarang mendengar kata silica yang berkaitan dengan diet. Tapi jika ingin membantu pertumbuhan rambut dan mencegah rambut rontok, ada baiknya menambahkan silica ke dalam dafter. Silica membantu tubuh menyerap vitamin-vitamin dan mineral. Jika tidak mengonsumsi silica, konsumsi vitamin Anda tidak akan banyak membantu.
Silica bisa ditemukan dalam tauge serta kulit mentimun, cabe merah dan cabe hijau, serta kentang. Ingat juga, Anda akan mendapatkan nutrisi lebih banyak jika mengonsumsi makanan ini dalam keadaan mentah.

Makanan laut Mencegah Kerontokan Rambut
Laki-laki yang mengalami kerontokan rambut biasanya mengalami kekurangan unsur seng. Seng berperan penting dalam berbagai fungsi tubuh, mulai dari reproduksi sel hingga mengatur keseimbangan hormon, dan semua fungsi ini mempengaruhi pertumbuhan rambut. Yang paling penting, seng mengatur kelenjar yang melekat di folikel rambut Anda. Jika kadar seng rendah, folikel akan lemah, sehingga rambut mudah rontok.
Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, konsumsilah makanan kaya seng seperti daging merah, unggas, kepah, udang, kecang-kacangan, dan kerang. Seng dalam jumlah berlebih juga bisa memicu kerontokan rambut, jadi lebih baik mengikuti diet kaya seng dibandingkan mengonsumsi makanan ini sekaligus juga menggunakan suplemen seng.
Nah, mulai sekarang dah taukan makanan apa aja yang mesti dihindari untuk Mencegah Kerontokan Rambut.

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Weight Loss Diet Program - Quick and Effective

Obesity is a truly complex health hazards that may affect any individuals irrespective of age or gender. It can be a serious health problem that may in time prove itself a life-threatening disorder and put an individual suffering from obesity in a high risk for developing cardiac problems, cholesterol or diabetics. If you are overweight or you just wish to maintain your figure, weight loss diet certainly works best for you, if you can follow rigorously.

Analyze your emotional state
If you are really serious about your overeating problem and make a good control on it, you should first start taking a diary on your food habits. The diary can include three columns initially. In the first column, you write the name of the food you are taking. In the second column, you write the temptation that you have experienced before attaining the food and in the third column, you should write about the emotional satisfaction that you have derived after having the food. Now it is the time to compare between your short-term gratifications that you acquire immediately after having (or rather during having) and the long term impact that you actually gain in your health system. It will certainly help you to switch to weight loss diet.

Provide little extra time to control your impulse

If you feel like eating now, provide some extra little time to get a hold on your impulse. Say, for example, you feel that you need to feed now and hunger is hitting you up badly, try to give yourself at least 10 minutes time before you actually turn yourself into any action. It helps.

Have plenty of water

Drink a minimum of 6-8litres water daily. Especially, you try not to forget drinking water before your meal. It will reduce your hunger and provide you a 'full feeling'. Not only that, pure drinking water has the ability to purify your system. It helps maintaining the homeostasis of the system with appropriate water retention while increasing the discharge of body wastages through urination.

Quick 'n' effective weight loss diet program

There are few quick but effective weight loss diet programs available in the market. In 1985, General Motors Inc in cooperation with John Hopkins Research Centre formulated a wonderful weight loss diet program for their employees and family members. According to the research, this program is effective and almost flawless. It is structured in a fashion that the followers of the program will be able to loose their weight to a remarkable extent, say, 10-17lb per week, without loosing their energy or stamina.

This is a seven day program; however, research has shown that there is no apparent harm related with it and this weight loss diet program can be repeated several times to get the desired result. If you are willing to follow this program, the first thing you have to do is to refrain from alcohol or any kind of alcoholic beverages. Additionally, you have to drink ten glasses of water every day.

On the first day of the program, you need to feed yourself with a variety of fruits except banana. The program suggests having lots of watermelon and a loupe to have good result. The second day comprises with vegetables. You may have raw or cooked one depending your own personal preference. To fulfill the requirement of carbohydrate, you may start with potatoes with little butter on it. Third day is a day of mixing. You have the combination of fruits and vegetables. But you are not allowed to have banana.

Third day of the weight loss diet program is not allowing you to have potato as well. In the fourth day, you may have a combination of banana and milk. But you are limited with 8 bananas and 3 glasses of milk. On the fifth day, you may relax a bit because it offers you to feed your appetite with beef and tomatoes.

Have 10 oz of lean beef with 6 tomatoes. But do not forget to increase your water intake by 1qrt. Sixth day is really lovely for you because you may have as many beef and vegetables as you want. In the seventh day, you may enjoy your weight loss diet by having brown rice, vegetables and fruit juice. Now measure your weight, and please do not forget to write a review of this weight loss diet program.
Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Mendiagnosa Kerusakan Komputer

Suatu saat Anda mendapati komputer yang biasa Anda pakai tiba-tiba mati-total, komputer tidak bisa booting dan pada layar monitor tidak menampilkan apa-apa alias blank. Lantas apa yang harus kita lakukan..? 

Untuk mendiagnosa penyebab kerusakan komputer blank atau mati total, kita bisa melakukan beberapa pengecekan seperti dibawah ini:

1. Pastikan dulu apakah kerusakan terjadi karena komputer yang tidak bisa booting ataukah karena monitor yang memang mati.

Untuk itu coba lihat lampu indikator monitor apakah menyala, dan coba cabut kabel VGA Monitor, apabila tampilan monitor menjadi normal dengan menampilkan gambar atau pesan seperti misalnya "No Signal Detected" maka kerusakan memang terdapat pada komputer.

2. Pastikan Power Supply Berfungsi dengan baik.

Buka casing CPU kemudian nyalakan kembali komputer dengan menekan tombol power dan perhatikan apakah lampu indikator pada motherboard menyala dan fan Processor berputar? Kalau masih  menyala kemungkinan besar Power Supply masih berfungsi dengan baik. Sedangkan apabila CPU tidak menampilkan "tanda-tanda kehidupan", coba cek secara manual Power Supply tersebut.

3. Bersihkan semua komponen pada Motherboard

Apabila diperlukan cabut terlebih dahulu semua komponen seperti Processor, Memory dan Card-card tambahan lainnya. Bersihkan debu dan kotoran yang menempel dengan kuas dan vacuum cleaner. Kalo ada gunakan juga cairan pembersih "electrical contact cleaner" untuk lebih membersihkan debu-debu yang menempel pada pin-pin IC atau komponen elektronik pada komponen - komponen tersebut.

4. Rakit kembali CPU dan coba nyalakan kembali, tetapi untuk hardisk jangan dipasang terlebih dahulu.

Biasanya ada beberapa hal yang akan terjadi:
  • komputer menyala normal (bisa masuk BIOS) tetapi tidak bisa booting,
    hal ini ga masalah karena hardisk memang ga dipasang. Matikan dan pasang hardisk kemudian nyalakan lagi, apabila berhasil booting berarti permasalahan sudah hampir selesai.
  • komputer mengeluarkan bunyi beep, berarti ada komponen biasanya RAM dan VGA Card yang bermasalah, coba dicabut pasang lagi atau diganti dengan yang masih berfungsi baik.
  • komputer masih tetap tidak bisa booting dan tidak mengeluarkan bunyi beep.
    cabut battery BIOS, dan coba ganti aja dulu RAM atau VGA Card-nya dengan yang masih berfungsi.
  • RAM dan VGA Card sudah diganti tetapi komputer masih tetap blank,
    wah ini gawat biasanya kerusakan terjadi pada bagian Motherboard atau Processornya. Menurut pengalaman saya kebanyakan bagian Motherboard yang rusak (kata temen saya kebanyakan pada transistor power) hal ini terjadi misalnya karena power listrik PLN yang tidak stabil. Kalo ada Processor yang "nganggur" pinjem aja dulu untuk memastikan kerusakan.
Demikianlah diagnosa kerusakan komputer blank atau mati total, mohon maaf apabila penjelasannya kurang memuaskan, saya tunggu sharing tentang cara memperbaiki  komputer blank-mati total dari temen-temen sekalian, thanks.